Can Metal Crowns Cause Health Issues? Separating Fact from Fiction

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As an owner for VR.CROWN, a prominent manufacturer of pediatric dental crowns in China, I understand the importance of addressing concerns and questions regarding dental health. In this blog post, we will explore a commonly asked question: “Can metal crowns cause health issues?” We’ll navigate through this topic, examining the facts and dispelling any misconceptions that may exist.

Understanding Metal Crowns

Metal Crowns in Dentistry

Metal crowns have been an essential part of dentistry for many years. They are used to restore and protect damaged or decayed teeth. These crowns are typically made from various metals, including stainless steel, silver-colored alloys, and gold. Each type of metal crown has its own unique properties.

Durability and Longevity

One of the key advantages of metal crowns is their exceptional durability. They are known to withstand the wear and tear of daily chewing and biting, making them an excellent choice for posterior (back) teeth. In addition, metal crowns have a long lifespan, providing reliable tooth protection for many years.

Types of Metal Crowns

There are several types of metal crowns commonly used in dentistry:

Stainless Steel Crowns: Often used for temporary purposes in pediatric dentistry, stainless steel crowns are known for their strength and corrosion resistance.

Silver-Colored Alloys: These crowns are made from a combination of metals, including silver, copper, and tin. They are highly durable and can withstand substantial chewing forces.

Gold Crowns: While less common than other metal crowns, gold crowns are appreciated for their biocompatibility, strength, and gentle wear on opposing teeth.

Dispelling Misconceptions: Can Metal Crowns Cause Health Issues?

Myth: Metal Crowns Release Harmful Substances

Some concerns have arisen over the belief that metal crowns can release harmful substances into the body. However, this is largely a misconception. Metal crowns, particularly stainless steel and silver-colored alloys, are inert materials. They do not react chemically with bodily fluids or release harmful substances.

Myth: Allergic Reactions to Metals

Another misconception is that individuals may experience allergic reactions to the metals used in crowns. While allergic reactions are possible, they are extremely rare. Gold, for example, is known for its biocompatibility and is unlikely to cause allergies. Stainless steel, commonly used in pediatric dentistry, is also considered safe and well-tolerated by the body.

Myth: Electrical Sensitivity

Some have expressed concerns about the potential for electrical sensitivity or discomfort due to the presence of metal crowns in the mouth. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims. Metal crowns do not generate electrical currents or cause discomfort related to electrical sensitivity.

Advantages of Metal Crowns


Many metal crowns, including stainless steel and gold, are biocompatible materials. This means they are well-tolerated by the body and are unlikely to cause allergic reactions or adverse health effects.


The durability of metal crowns is a significant advantage. They can withstand the forces of chewing and grinding, providing long-lasting tooth protection.

Restoration of Function

Metal crowns effectively restore the function of damaged teeth. They allow individuals to chew and speak comfortably, improving overall oral health.

Minimal Tooth Removal

Compared to some other dental treatments, metal crowns often require minimal tooth reduction during preparation. This means more of the healthy tooth structure is preserved.

Cost-Effective Solutions

Metal crowns are cost-effective dental restoration options, making them accessible to a wide range of patients.

Conclusion: Metal Crowns and Dental Health

In conclusion, the question of whether metal crowns can cause health issues is largely based on misconceptions. Metal crowns, including stainless steel and silver-colored alloys, are safe, durable, and well-tolerated by the body. While allergic reactions are extremely rare, they can occur with any dental material.

At VR.CROWN, our commitment to dental health and well-being drives us to provide high-quality dental crowns for pediatric dentistry. We understand the importance of reliable and safe dental solutions for children and adults alike.

Thank you for joining us in debunking myths and shedding light on the benefits of metal crowns for dental health. We are here to serve the diverse needs of our global audience, which includes wholesalers and distributors of dental products, with our affordable, durable, and high-quality dental crowns.

Should you have any questions, contact us today at

Lisa Si

Lisa Si

Hey, I’m Lisa Si, the founder of, Family-run business.
In the past 16 years, we have helped 55 countries and 150+ Clients like dental supplies retailers, dental supplies wholesalers, dentists to obtain high quality dental products with moderate price.
The purpose of this article is to share with the knowledge related to various dental products which may be useful for you.

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